Alan Solow

Alan served as Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations from January 2009 through May 2011. He also served as chair of the Jewish Community Centers Association (JCCA) from 2006-2010. He was the National Co-Chair of the Obama-Biden 2012 campaign. Alan has served in various leadership capacities with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Jewish United Fund, as well as with Jewish Federations of North America and Sinai Health Systems of Chicago. He is a past Chairman of the JCRC of Chicago, the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago, and Interfaith America, and past President of the Jewish Council for Youth Services. Alan currently serves on the boards of CLAL, the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, and the Israel Policy Forum. He practiced law for 37 years and currently is the founder of Grover Strategies LLC, a public affairs firm. Alan and his wife have two sons and 4 grandchildren and live in Chicago.


Alan Solow