The Nexus Project

Who We Are

  • Nexus advocates for full implementation of President Biden’s National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, the historic, whole-of-society initiative to battle the scourge of antisemitism in America, which won bi-partisan praise from groups across the political spectrum.
  • Nexus works against the use of false accusations of antisemitism as political weapons, which undermine the fight against antisemitism.
  • We are a broad coalition of academics, community leaders, activists, and clergy. Our members have held leadership positions in a wide range of Jewish American community organizations, including Federations, the Conference of Presidents, the Union of Reform Judaism, the Jewish Democratic Council of America, J Street, Israel Policy Forum, ADL, and the National Council of Jewish Women.

What We Believe

  • We agree with the National Strategy that targeting Jews because of their connection to Israel is antisemitic. There is no justification for expressions of antisemitism in debates about Israel.
  • The National Strategy welcomes multiple definitions for understanding antisemitism including The Nexus Document.
  • Implementing the Strategy’s over 100 concrete recommendations became more urgent after October 7.
  • Unfortunately, some organizations and Members of Congress are more concerned with ideology than action, insisting on codification or political recognition of one specific definition – the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.
  • The IHRA definition is important in many respects, but it has limitations, including the possibility of being used as a tool for suppressing free speech and criticism of Israeli policies.
  • This concerted focus on pressing a single definition is dangerous:
    • It inhibits the creation of coalitions to confront genuine antisemitism and protect Jews – and drives a wedge into liberal/progressive alliances.
    • It stifles debate about US policy in Israel and the Middle East.
    • It detracts from the fight against extremism, wherever it may be.
    • It undermines the National Strategy, which embraces both IHRA and Nexus.
    • Like the National Strategy, Nexus’ scholars, practitioners, and leaders recognize that no single all-purpose diagnostic tool should be enshrined in policy.

The Nexus Approach

  • We are committed to confronting antisemitism wherever it arises.
  • We are resolute in fighting the weaponization of antisemitism.
  • We are collaborative and inclusive. We brought together a range of distinguished communal leaders, scholars, and activists to draft The Nexus Document, which differentiates in practical terms what is and what isn’t antisemitic.
  • We cut through the partisan noise and equip policymakers with fact-based analysis and tools to combat antisemitism in a way that promotes allyship instead of division.
  • We push for fully implementing the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism through public and private action and education.
  • We oppose measures that are inconsistent with the National Strategy, including efforts to assert a single definition of antisemitism rather than the entire National Strategy, which includes other definitions of antisemitism.

Nexus Leadership Project Board

Nexus Staff

Jonathan Jacoby, National Director, Nexus Leadership Project and Nexus Task Force
Kevin Rachlin, Washington Director, Nexus Leadership Project

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